Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist
Doll Stylist
Technical Skills:
Fashion Makeup and Hair
Scarring, Bruising and Wounds
Facial Hair, Wigs and Doll Styling
N.D.D. Graphics – Bournemouth College of Art – UK
Fashion Illustration – Emily Carr College of Art and Design – Vancouver
Fashion and Special Effects Make up – Blanche MacDonald – Vancouver
Barry Sonnenfeld
Stephen Daldry
Joseph Kahn
Marcus Nispel
Ulf Johansson
Reto Salimbeni
Paul Hunter
David Tennant
Luis Ruiz
Chris Hooper
Lance Accord
George Jecel
Nigel Dick
Leslie Dektor
Paul Boyd
Noble Jones
Ryoshi Shimizu
Rick Astley
Ringo Starr
Claire Danes
The Monkees
Our Lady Peace
Kim Campbell
John Cleese
David Duchovny
Kristy Yamaguchi
Aaron Pritchett
Gillian Anderson
Harry Connick
Jason Alexander
Chuck D.
Michael Bublé
Shania Twain
Kristin Kreuk